Calming image with the phrase 'Find Rest (for your soul)' set against a soothing pastel gradient backdrop.

Are you feeling weary or tired? Has life just become a bit too much to bear?

Many of us strive to find rest in a multitude of ways, be it watching Netflix, hanging out with our friends or just taking a nap. These things can provide us with rest, but what if we still don’t feel rested afterwards?

Perhaps that means your soul is still tired.

Life isn’t easy - it’s a pretty long and winding road, filled with ups and downs. Sometimes we pick up burdens along the way - grief over the loss of a loved one, anxiety over a broken relationship, fears that we can’t live up to expectations at work. These burdens can weigh heavily on our souls, and no amount of Netflix can lighten the weight. 

So… what can we do?

Matthew 11:28-29 says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Instead of relying on our own strength and allowing our burdens to pile up, Jesus encourages us to pass our burdens on to Him and let Him guide us through life. 

If you’re looking to find true, true rest for your soul today, perhaps whisper a prayer to Jesus and surrender your burdens to Him. You’ll find that your heart will feel lighter and the world won’t seem so scary anymore.

 A postcard with a soothing gradient background and the calming text "Find Rest (for your soul)," designed to offer encouragement for peace and relaxation.

If this has stirred something in your heart, and you want to know more about God - do reach out to us @thecommandmentco and we’ll be happy to chat!

June 09, 2024 — TCCO (Troubleshooting)