Could You Have Everything You Want, And Yet Not Be Satisfied? | Short Sermon Series
Maybe it’s work satisfaction, relational intimacy, family harmony, or even justice for the oppressed that’ll make your life worthwhile. But what if this life isn’t all that there is? What if there’s more than just the here and now?

Jesus said an interesting phrase: “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” (Matthew 16:26)

Building your life on having everything is unstable. When your happiness or satisfaction is based on things around you, it can be taken away from you. Think of things outside of your control: The loss of a loved one, a betrayal by a friend or colleague, suffering and death. We are led to believe in our society that we can control so many of our circumstances. We can’t.

Building your life on having everything is unsatisfying. Meaninglessness does not come from being weary of pain, but weary of pleasure. We just get so disenchanted. We’ve got everything that should satisfy, and yet it’s not working. Trying to find fulfilment and pleasure away from our Creator doesn’t satisfy.

You were made for so much more. This pursuit of life, without following Jesus, doesn’t work because it’s a violation of purpose. Identity is received rather than achieved. If you have to achieve your identity, you’re always on display and performing. But if your identity is received, you have a peace and security that frees you to love others rather than use them. You already know you’re loved and cherished by God.

Would you consider these words of Christ, examine the evidence and seek for yourself: What does it profit a person to gain the whole world and yet lose his soul? Whether you feel you have life altogether or you feel disenchanted, seriously consider Jesus. I hope you would look at what He offers and say: “Worth it.”
Sermon by Jordan Thyer, article adapted from
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