Empowering Dreams: Supporting the One Life Fund by World Vision Singapore
In a world where education is the key to unlocking boundless opportunities, there are children who face unique challenges on their educational journey. World Vision Singapore, through its One Life Fund, has embarked on a meaningful initiative to support children in out-of-home care with special learning needs. Out-of-home care refers to temporary care for children who are removed from their natural families due to safety and well-being issues, e.g. abuse, abandonment, incarceration of parents, etc. Among this group of already vulnerable children are those who struggle with developmental conditions or exhibiting the traits of learning and development delays. Learn about the impactful work being done and how you can join hands to make a difference in the lives of these children.
The One Life Fund in Action:
World Vision Singapore's One Life Fund is a beacon of hope for children like John*, a resident at a children's home who once struggled with spelling and writing. The fund provides essential support for such children in out-of-home care with special learning needs, ensuring they receive the necessary resources and specialized learning programs to bridge the educational gap that often separates them from their peers.
John's Story:
John*, whose name has been changed to protect his identity, faced challenges in spelling and writing that hindered his academic progress. However, with the assistance of World Vision’s One Life Fund, John now receives literacy remediation that has significantly transformed his educational journey.
[My educational therapist] really improved my English a lot. Each time she would go through new learning concepts and spelling dictation with me before she got me to practice writing. The use of card and sound drills as well as games made learning interesting for me," shares John.

The Impact:
The attached photos from the project capture the moments of joy and determination as children with special learning needs engage in specialized learning support programs. These programs aim to address the specific challenges these children face, ensuring they receive the tailored assistance required to keep up with their peers in school.

John's dream of becoming a world-renowned chef is a testament to the transformative power of the One Life Fund. With your support, more children like John can aspire to achieve their dreams and break free from the limitations imposed by their learning challenges.

How You Can Make a Difference:
Embark on a journey of positive change by supporting World Vision’s One Life Fund through the purchase of The Commandment Co's "Pages of Promise" T-shirt. By wearing this shirt proudly, you become a vital contributor to a cause that is actively transforming lives. With every sale, a portion of the proceeds is directly channelled to World Vision Singapore's One Life Fund, ensuring that children with special learning needs receive the educational resources, therapies, and programs essential for their academic success.
Spread the Word:
Extend the impact beyond your purchase by sharing this initiative with your friends, family, and across your social networks. Utilize the power of your voice to raise awareness about the One Life Fund, inspiring others to join in this meaningful journey. Your contribution, no matter the size, plays a crucial role in bringing us one step closer to creating a brighter future for these children.
Join Us on the Journey:
Let's unite our efforts to create a world where every child can dream, learn, and succeed. Join hands with The Commandment Co and World Vision Singapore on this incredible journey, and together, let's create pages of promise for a brighter and more inclusive future.