Finding Sweetness in God's Word Amid Life's Bitterness | Short Sermon Series

When the world and all of its brokenness, injustice, and sorrow weigh your heart down, what do you do?
Maybe mindlessly scroll on social media, binge-watch a show, or throw yourself into any other activity to distract yourself?
But when the distraction comes to an end and you have to face reality again, the emptiness in your heart lingers all the more.
Perhaps there is a better way.
“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!“ Psalm 119:310
As the psalmist has discovered – the word of God is sweet. As we read and taste its sweetness, it becomes a balm to our bitter and jaded hearts.
So even before the words of the world leave us bitter, take on the sweet words of God each and every day. Let them nourish and equip you to face whatever may come your way!
Designs by Shari @shari.sasser are now available for pre-order as tote bags and prints both in-store and online.