Finding Victory in the Cross | Short Sermon Series

Yes, we may struggle in the daily battles of life, but the beautiful truth is that Jesus has already defeated even death. He has made a way and we go from glory to glory.
So what if we walk out every day knowing that God has fought and won for us? That we have been forgiven and mercies are new every morning? We can walk in victory as sons and daughters of a Heavenly Father who loves us ever so intimately. We can walk in freedom from bondage, and touch the lives of those around us who haven’t experienced this love yet.
Whatever areas of your life which still seem to be going through a war, God has already won it! Let freedom and victory enter your life today. Let the victory of the cross become your identity, because we don’t have to fight for something that has already been won!
Adapted from @joshbaldwin @bethelmusic