For Those With Little Faith | Short Sermon Series

Do you see, disciples, how God feeds the ravens and robes the lilies? And “will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?” (Matthew 6:30).
The tenderness of Jesus shines magnificently in these stories of little faith. He meets his disciples’ cares, fears, and doubts with his assurance, peace, and help. Yet his tenderness also carries a rebuke we need to hear. We need only a little faith to be united to the Christ who saves. But we need more than a little faith to walk comfortably with Christ.
1. Stand up to your little faith.
One common temptation among those of little faith is to believe that we are at the mercy of our little faith. We do not choose our cares, fears, and doubts; they just seem sewn into the fabric of our temperament. But even still, have we studied the ravens and the lilies? Have we taken ourselves in hand and played the preacher to our soul — reminding, exhorting, encouraging? Only God can give great faith (Ephesians 2:8), but he often sees fit to give it through patient, prayerful thought. We can pray, consider, ask, remember — and over time, we may feel our faith rising higher than little.
2. Answer doubts with Christ.
Great faith considers all the evidence. And at the heart of that all stands one preeminent Person: Jesus. How could the disciples fear when Jesus was in the boat with them (Matthew 8:23–24)? In each case, “O you of little faith” is shorthand for “O you of little faith in me.”
Those of great faith have simply learned, sometimes through long and painful practice, to see Jesus as the most wonderful, powerful, merciful, and faithful Person in the universe. Look to Jesus — not simply with a quick glance in moments of care, but as the main labour (and joy) of every day. Perhaps choose a Bible-reading plan that always has you reading one of the Gospels. Orient your Christian life less around a set of practices and more around a glorious Person.
Article by Scott Hubbard @desiringgod
Design by @beth.low