Get to Know Our Collaborators at CollabPlus
We love celebrating His word through the beautiful artworks from our collaborators! Through Collab† (CollabPlus), we partner with artists to bring in their beautiful and unique style of designs to Singapore.

See a design that you like? Want to see more designs of a similar style? Just take a look at the bottom of the posters to find out more about the artist.

At the back of the poster, you would be able the see the details of the artist as well as information about our shop.

We would also include a sticker at the back of the plastic packaging with the collaboration details. Each designer will have their unique barcode so that we can track their sales and commissions to be paid to them.

Similar to the poster designs, the collaborators will be credited at the bottom of the tote bags.

We will also label the packaging of the tote bag with the artist's details.
We cherish the opportunity to work with our wonderful collaborators and together we can spread the Good News to the ends of the world!
If you wish to collaborate with us, please feel free to email with subject "Collab+". Can't wait to meet you! :)