Happy Pesach Happy Passover by The Commandment Co

Happy Pesach! 🎉❤️ Means Happy Passover in Hebrew! 

by Jared

The Passover is a Jewish holiday celebrating the liberation of the Jews from slavery in Egypt (Exodus12:14), where Jews feast in commemoration of this day.

In the original Passover, the Israelites were told to find a lamb without blemish for each household, kill it, apply the blood over doorpost and lintel, and roast the lamb in fire. While the family feasts on it during the night, the destroyer will kill the firstborn of all animal and man, passing over and sparing households with the blood on the doorpost, hence the name “Passover”.

With the Covid-19 pandemic, this year will be the first year where the Passover will be a private event for everyone. Much like the original Passover in such dark times, let us all participate in the Passover together as one.

While the original Passover involved the killing and roasting of a lamb in fire, Jesus is our Passover lamb today. Jesus was crucified on the Passover as our Passover lamb so that we do not have to be afraid of death coming into our households.   

Just like the lamb which was without blemish and imperfection, Jesus “was guilty of no sin, neither was deceit (guile) ever found on His lips” (1 Peter 2:22). The lamb was also roasted in fire, and Jesus, too, was roasted as the wrath of God and judgement for our sins came upon Jesus on the cross. Finally, the blood of the lamb was put on the doorpost and lintel (vertical and horizontal beams of wood) which speaks of the cross, where Jesus’ blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins.

Therefore, like the original Passover, even in darkness, let us partake of our passover lamb together this Passover. While we do not have to partake an actual roasted lamb today, we can partake of Jesus, our Passover lamb, through the bread and wine in Holy Communion, in remembrance of the finished work at the cross.

Jesus took your place on the cross to set you free, and even rose again on the third day to conquer death. Partake of the Holy Communion knowing that no death (literal and metaphorical) shall come into your household. Jesus, your Passover lamb, has already shed His blood for you, and death shall pass over your household. Let faith arise and rejoice even in such dark times, for we have a living hope who place our trust in!


Let us partake the Holy Communion together, in remembrance that Jesus died on the cross for us to have life, and see us pass over into the promises of God in our life!


April 08, 2020 — The Commandment Co