Joy Of The Lord | Short Sermon Series

“The joy of the Lord is my strength.” Nehemiah 8:10
When the Israelites had just returned to Jerusalem after being exiled, they were listening to the prophet Ezra read the law. Hearing the law, they were overcome by condemnation and began weeping, for they knew that they had sinned greatly against the Lord.
But instead of rebuking them further, Nehemiah instructed the Israelites to go and celebrate! “Go enjoy choice food and sweet drinks… do not grieve for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Neh 8:10).
Though the Israelites felt separated from God due to their inability to uphold the law, God’s love and grace was great enough to bridge the gap. His love covered all of their sins, and set them free from condemnation. He delighted in the return of His people and His joy and pleasure over the Israelite people gave them the strength to carry on.
What areas of your life do you feel condemned in, or feel difficult to experience joy in? Bring them to God and allow Him to replace your condemnation with forgiveness and profound sense of being loved.
Take heart, no matter what you face today, for the joy of the Lord will be your strength, guiding you through every trial.
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