Love Each Other Deeply | Short Sermon Series

We are all born into sin, and if we are not careful, that sin will lead to us doing what we do not want to do. It will lead to us hurting others with our words and actions, even if it is done unintentionally.
As Paul puts it in Romans 7:15-20, we have the desire to do what is good, but sometimes we just cannot carry it out. None of us set out to be mean or coarse in our words, or selfish in our actions. But we will fall short, and when that happens, others around us will be hurt.
What are we going to do about this? Peter knows this struggle and he encourages us, “Above all love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins” 1 Peter 4:8.
When we sin against others, or others sin against us, the best thing we can do is to respond in love. Love does not negate the sin or its consequences, but it prevents us from sinning even further. Imagine that you have been wrongly accused – you have been sinned against. If you respond in anger, cursing the person who has done wrong to you, the original sin has caused you to sin as well! However, if you respond in love, trying to understand the perspective of the other person, the sin ends there – the situation de-escalates, and both parties can reconcile.
This is why Peter says that love covers a multitude of sins. As we respond in love, forgiving those who have hurt us, we do not allow sin in this world to triumph. We do not allow it to break relationships and cause deeper hurt and pain to us and to others.
May this be an encouragement to you to love deeply, even when others sin against you. Let us be the light of the world, just as Jesus was, never allowing sin to have the final say!
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