Love Without Limits: Learning to Love Like Jesus | Short Sermon Series

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” 1 Corinthians 13:4
As fallen beings in a fallen world, the kind of love that we give to others is not always pure.
We are not always patient, not always kind. We fall into envy, boastfulness and pride in ways we may not even be conscious of.
It is easy for us to love the people who love us back, but for those who test and frustrate us - love likely isn’t even a course of action that we want to take.
In essence, the love that Jesus displays and asks of us does not come naturally.
His is a love that perseveres and endures to the very end. It is a love that keeps pursuing even those who reject Him over and over again. It is a love that is pure and free from any selfish ambition.
It chases after the last, least and the lost. It leaves the 99 to find the 1.
It is a love that Jesus desires for us to have.
May we learn from the example that He has set for us, and in each and every moment, when the opportunity presents itself to us - learn to ask, “Jesus, help me love like you”.
May the designs by @joylettered_ remind us to love others with the Jesus kind of love, not according to how we are treated, but according to how loved we are by Him!❤ Now available in-store and online!