Pure in Heart | Short Sermon Series

”Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.“ Matthew 5:8 NIV
Remaining pure in a broken world that does not know God is not an easy feat. Our commitment to purity may often be met with ridicule and scorn.
Going to church instead of using that time to study for your exam? How silly. Refusing a lucrative job offer because God said no? You must be mad.
Choosing God over the world will not make sense to many. But your desire to honour God above all else is never wasted and never goes unnoticed by God.
What have you given up for the sake of your faith? God sees all of it. And He is pleased.
The more you choose Him and seek Him first, the more you will realise that He is all you need. Every need will be provided for, and you will see God working in every area of your life – simply because you have let Him!
To the one struggling to stay pure, let this be your encouragement to keep on keeping on. God sees your efforts, and He loves your heart. Keep choosing Him! Keep your heart pure as your act of love and obedience to Him.
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