Strength and Dignity | Short Sermon Series

The wife of noble character that King Lemuel describes in Proverbs 31 always leaves us in awe as we strive to emulate her righteous traits. Today let’s look at what we can learn from the way she lives through just verses 25-27:
We are told that the wife of noble character is clothed with strength and dignity, and laughs at the time to come. This strength that King Lemuel refers to is about strength of character, and the way she is described as being “clothed” in it shows that she cares more about the display of her character as opposed to her clothing. When it comes to character, she is one of the best dressed! And where does this upright character come from? It comes from a deep faith in God and knowledge of His word, which allows her to know that her future is secure in the arms of her Father. Because of that, she rejoices not just in the present day, but also in the time to come.
Wisdom and kindness mark the words that the wife of noble character speaks. She is quick to listen, and slow to speak. She does not engage in slander or gossip - her words are life-giving, and those who hear them are better off for it. How does she learn to control her tongue and words? Once again, through filling herself up with the words of God, that she might speak these same truths in love to those around her.
And last, but not least, the wife of noble character “looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.” Her wisdom and love leads her to care deeply about the lives that her family is living, to watch over them like a faithful guardian. And this choice to watch means that she cannot be idle. She brings up her children to fear and love God, and ensures that her family is well taken care of and pleases the Lord.
In just 3 verses, we are shown a glimpse of the life of a woman who is deeply righteous, and we might wonder if we could ever live up to such high standards. Let us take heart in the knowledge that she does not do this all on her own strength. All these virtues are a product of a deep communion with Father God. And if God can do this in her life, He can and will do it in our lives too!
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