Stuck In A Holding Pattern - Encouraging short sermons and devotionals compiled by The Commandment Co

When you’re in a holding pattern, you’re at your destination but you can’t get out. It’s similar to being on a delayed flight, the hopeless feeling that you can’t really do anything and you’re going to miss out. Sometimes we feel like we can’t get to where we’re called to be, and this is how the city of Joppa felt when Dorcas, who provided rides for widows, had died.

the holding pattern - to be full of good works from god but not releasing it through what’s in our hands - Encouraging short sermons and devotionals compiled by The Commandment Co

God prepares us and fills us with good works, but we need to go and do them for it to come to pass (Ephesians 2:10). Dorcas did these things by “always dong good and helping the poor” (Acts 9:36).

In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor. Acts 9:36 - Encouraging short sermons and devotionals compiled by The Commandment Co

Some christians are really full of it - full of what God has put in them but unwilling to let it out. This is an example of the holding pattern, we’re ‘constipated’ with good works! God gives us the strength to do it (Philippians 2:13), so are we going to continue to be full of it or are we going to do something?

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10 - Encouraging short sermons and devotionals compiled by The Commandment Co

But how do we get what’s in us out of us? Use what’s in your hands! Dorcas used a needle and thread, and Moses used his staff. Though what’s in our hands now may not look like what’s in our hearts, but we need to use what’s in our hands to draw out what’s in our hearts.

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” Philippians 2:13 - Encouraging short sermons and devotionals compiled by The Commandment Co

So today, we can choose one of two patterns. The holding pattern, or the pattern for holding whats in our hands to unlock what’s in our hearts.


Dorcas didn’t have much, but she used what she had, focused on the Lord, served the people and gave whatever she could whenever she could. In the end she received so much more back and brought many people to know Jesus after she was brought back to life. Let’s not hold back, but use whatever little we have in our hands to bring out the destiny in our hearts!


Sermon by @levilusko

May 20, 2021 — The Commandment Co