The Majesty of God in Nature: A Daily Call to Worship | Short Sermon Series

All creation testifies to the splendour and glory of God. Do you perceive it? It’s in the way the trees sway majestically in the wind, the way the setting sun extends its rays to colour the streets in different shades of gold, and in the way the birds soar up into the sky in a beautiful formation.
We are surrounded by the glory and the goodness of God each day! So let us lift our voices, hands and hearts and praise Him, in the same way that David did - “Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever” Psalm 145:2
We praise not just because our God is powerful and mighty. We praise Him also because He is gracious, loving, and full of compassion. God has taken on our sins, fought and won the battle against death forever. In Him we have eternal life and a hope that extends beyond the time we have on Earth.
Because of that, we truly have nothing to fear!
Because of that, we our hearts burst and beat in praise for Him, every single second of every single day.