Trade Your Burdens for His Peace | Short Sermon Series

What are the burdens you’re carrying with you today? Have they become so heavy that each step has become so difficult to take?
Jesus says in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
We weren’t meant to carry our burdens on our own. We weren’t built for that!
God has given us Himself, and we were always meant to let Him share the load with us.
He invites us to come to Him and lay down our burdens - we don’t need to worry about burdening God - He’s strong enough to carry the weight of our troubles.
So let this be your encouragement today to stop carrying your burdens on your own and pass them to God. Then, sit back and take a rest. He’s got you in His hands - you don’t have to worry about any of it.
May the designs by @momoqt.diary remind us to let Jesus take the wheel!
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