Trusting God’s Goodness in Difficult Times | Short Sermon Series

“The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.” Psalm 145:9
God is good! It is true. He loves you and me so much that we will never be able to comprehend the magnitude of His love.
But sometimes it can be hard to proclaim the goodness of God. When trials and tribulations befall us, it’s not as easy to say, “God is good”. Rather, we scream inside (or outside), “God, where are you? If you’re good, how could you let this happen?”
There are never easy answers when we can’t see God’s hand or His goodness in our present circumstances. But we can always trust His heart.
God is always working all things out for our good and His glory. We don’t have the perspective He has, and we can’t see the bigger picture.
Perhaps God is calling you to trust His goodness today, especially when things don’t make sense. In time to come, He will surely, surely redeem and restore all that has been lost.
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