What Is Justification? | Short Sermon Series

What is justification? It’s translated from the Greek word “dikaiosis”, which was a word typically used in a court setting where someone is declared not guilty and they are ‘justified’. Whereas if the judge declares them guilty, they are condemned. When we read about justification in the New Testament, it refers to how we are declared not guilty by God even though we have sinned.
The Bible says many times that we have all sinned and been separated form God. God is perfect, while we’ve been tainted by sin. But because of God’s great love for us, He sent Jesus to take our sins upon Himself (as His own) and pay the price for our sin. Through this act of love, we are now made right with God.
God offers us a righteousness and justification separate from any work that we could ever do to earn it. That’s what God offers in His Son for anyone who believes, and today it is a gift from God! Through Jesus you have been justified and made right with God :)
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Devotional by @lifechurchopen @feedyouthministry