Turn all your worries into worship. Motivational quotes from the bible.

worry vs worship graphic chart.

Turn your worry into worship.

Worry is focusing totally on ourselves, while worship is focusing totally on someone else.  It’s crazy how a few words can make such huge difference in the meaning of worry and worship.

While its easy to stop worrying about minor things, what do we do when bigger problems arise? How do we remind ourselves that God is in control? We turn our worry into worship.

If we’re honest with ourselves, most of the things we worry about - like being ostracised or getting into an accident - won’t actually happen. Worry is a waste of time! (Especially when you have a good God on your side!!)

So instead of worrying, why not use that time to worship God?


Romans 12:2 bible verse motivational quote design.

But isn’t worship a thing that happens in church on Sundays? Nope, though it happens on Sundays, it isn’t just limited to Sundays. Paul writes in Romans 12 to present our “bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship”. Christ dwells in us and we ought to carry this spirit of worship with us. Worry may drown out worship in many of our lives, but let’s make a change and drown out worry with worship!


Psalm 95:7 bible verse motivational quotes.

We are God’s people and He takes care of us (Ps 95:7). If you have kids, you’ll take care of them and make sure they are well provided for and you’d want to give them the things they ask for. It wouldn’t make sense for your children to worry about dinner because you have already provided for them - and this is the same with God! You are His beloved child! He has already provided for you and would grant you things if only you’d ask! So do not worry, for God is your heavenly Father and you are His beloved child.


God is your heavenly father graphic art design

That being said, it’s not an instant change or quick fix to life. It’s a process over time and it’s ultimately a choice - a choice to worry or a choice to worship over worry!



Inspiration from:
Joyce Meyer and Pastor Rick Warren
August 26, 2020 — The Commandment Co