Cup Noodles Prosper {T-shirt}

$31.90 SGD

Only 3 units left in stock!

Print on Demand
Production takes 6-8 working days upon ordering, and thereafter 2 working days to ship out.


LOVE SUPERMARKET series design, Prosper Cup Noodles!
For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future
~Jeremiah 29:11

100% cotton
Digitally printed full color


M - 52cm(Chest width), 68cm(Shirt length), 25cm(Arm length), 20cm(Sleeve length)
L - 56cm(Chest width), 75cm(Shirt length), 26cm(Arm length), 23cm(Sleeve length)
XL - 56cm(Chest width), 78cm(Shirt length), 27cm(Arm length), 26cm(Sleeve length)