Bloom {Art Print}

$15.00 SGD

The Bloom Ladies Exclusive Print Collection was inspired by 4 amazing women in the Bible; known for their bravery, courage and tenacity to live their utmost for God.


Bloom Lady #1: Esther

A woman of great courage and faith.

Esther is recognised for her strength, bravery and dignity. She believed that she was chosen by God to save her own people and agreed to go in front of the king. She won his favor and eventually saved her people. She was a heroine who didn't let her fear or position stand in the way.


Bloom Lady #2: Abigail

A woman of intelligence and determination.

Abigail is not only recognised for her beauty and brains but also bravery. She was brave enough to take a leap of faith when the odds were against her, humble enough to acknowledge her shortcomings and trusted God's will enough to let go and let Him.


Bloom Lady #3: Ruth

A virtuous woman of noble character.

Ruth was able to overcome her past by giving her life over to the living God. Her faith in God resulted in His blessing over her life. By turning away from her old way of life, she was able to be used mightily of the Lord.


Bloom Lady #4: Hannah

An earnest and persevering woman.

Hannah's fervent prayer and vow teach us that consistent faithfulness and persistent prayers get God's attention. Her brave walk from focusing on the negative to asking God boldly for change to praising God for how she saw His glory through her life teaches us to never give up, honour our promises and praise Him in both the good and bad times.


Printed in Singapore
Comes with hard cardboard backing

Paper Size A5
148mm (W) x 210mm (H)