To love, or even to be loved, is to open yourself up to the possibility of getting hurt. People are messy, and so it follows that relationships will be messy too. In friendships and even bigger communities like our own church communities, there may be times when people fall short of our expectations and we end up getting hurt.

After getting hurt over and over again, it’s tempting to give up on ever having a fruitful relationship or community. For some, being hurt by church communities are why they’ve written off ever going back to church.

Truly, things might be simpler if we were alone. But, the thing is, we weren’t made to be alone, and God himself said that it’s not good for man to be alone. It is in community where we thrive the most as we learn from each other and help each other grow.

“Two are better than one… If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” Ecclesiastes 4:9a,10

Though being in community and getting close to people may be messy at times, God is continually redeeming and restoring our sinful natures and relationships. We may hurt each other, but such situations allow for the grace and glory of God to be revealed when we extend forgiveness to each other and reconcile.

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September 26, 2024 — TCCO (Troubleshooting)