Trust in Him Motivational Wall Display Card

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Proverbs 3:5-6 are well-loved verses for they hold a very important reminder to all Christians - that they should “Trust in the Lord”. Yet every Christian knows that trusting in God is good, and is something they should be doing – but the process of letting go and trusting is much, much harder. So, what does it mean to trust God, and how do we even go about trusting God? The answer can be found in the very same verses.  

As King Solomon aptly put it, trusting in God involves your whole heart, and to lean on God instead of your own understanding. Just as how a toddler who cannot swim would leap into the arms of her father in the pool, knowing that he will catch her and prevent her from drowning, God calls us to trust Him in the same way – all out, holding nothing back. In “all our ways”, even in the smallest need or the most impossible situation, God calls us to submit our plans to Him and know that He will work for our good.  

To trust what we cannot always see or comprehend is difficult, yet as we keep taking small steps of faith, we will be amazed at how God comes through for us. And as we keep walking with Him, we will learn to trust Him more and more each day, knowing that He works all things for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Just as He has come through for us in the past, He will do so again and again.  

So, dive deep into the word of God and see the great love He has lavished and continues to lavish onto you. As we read and understand more of the character of God, we will be able to trust Him more, knowing that He is a good God who only desires the best for us, and who wants to make our paths straight.

Short sermon devotion by Beth Low.

August 02, 2021 — The Commandment Co