Motivational graphic with 'You Are Loved, loved forever' text set against a tranquil scene of blooming pink flowers and rolling hills.

What comes first - the purpose or the product? Well, we all know that before a product is made, its purpose needs to be clear. For instance, you can’t create a microphone without knowing what it needs to do! In the same way, you and I were made purposefully. And one of the greatest purposes of our existence is to be loved by our Creator. We were made by God, to be loved by Him.

It may not feel that way sometimes - how can God love us if there is so much trouble in our lives? 

The short answer is that while God doesn’t promise us an easy life, He promises that He will be with us through every circumstance. We can pray in faith for our circumstances to change, but also know that even if they don’t, God promises to give us sufficient grace and strength to get through whatever comes our way.

The greatest display of how much God loves us is His promise of eternal life - a lot of the bad things in this world - sickness, suffering, and death - were never His intention. He has promised that if we trust in Him, there will be a new life that awaits us after our lives on earth end - and this new life will be one free of pain and evil. 

God loves you so much and will always desire to have a relationship with you - the Bible says that “neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39

We hope that you will come to know this great love that He has for you - a love that is unchanging, everlasting, and that you will never need to earn. God made you and He loves you far more than you can ever imagine.
A postcard with a scenic background of a peaceful field of pink flowers and the comforting message "You Are Loved, loved forever," designed to inspire feelings of love and belonging.

If this has stirred something in your heart, and you want to know more about God - do reach out to us @thecommandmentco and we’ll be happy to chat!
June 09, 2024 — TCCO (Troubleshooting)