A relationship with God is the same all the time - A short sermon series by The Commandment Co
Here’s the thing about a relationship with God - it’s the same all the time. He never changes, His word is true and it doesn’t have loopholes in it. It is what it is and He’s very clear that He’s the same yesterday, today, and forevermore.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever ~ Hebrews 13:8 - An inspiring short sermon series by The Commandment Co
We can deviate off our end of the bargain but it doesn’t stop what He says from being true. Even then, we could get by on our own for a while but His end of the deal stays the same. When we go back Him, thats when the results start becoming what you want it to be.
His word is 100% absolute. His word doesn't have loopholes in it - An encouraging short sermon series by The Commandment Co
So stop putting your faith in people and put your faith in God, where it counts the most. When things are going right, it’s a celebration and we have a party. But when you get yourself into a situation, you’ll start to realise quickly that not everyone is going to stay. But, hallelujah, do we have a saviour who will never leave us nor forsake us (Duet 31:6) who is with us until the end (Matt 28:20)
You can deviate off your end of the bargain, but it doesn't stop what He says from being true - The Commandment Co's Short Sermon Series: A relationship with God is always the same
“I’m riding on what he said. I’m riding on what she said.” NOPE, not anymore! Let’s take this faith of ours, and instead of putting it in people, put it in God where it counts the most.
Stop putting your faith in people and put your faith in God, where it counts the most - A relationship with God is always the same: Short Sermon Series by The Commandment Co
Sermon from @steveharveyfm
January 18, 2021 — The Commandment Co