Feeling Swallowed By Life | Short Sermon Series

Ever felt swallowed by life? Maybe by depression, conflict or worry, and it left you feeling hopeless? Jonah did too. As Jonah ran from God, he was swallowed by a big fish and as He sat in that fish, He looked up to God and prayed (Jonah 2). From the very first verse of Jonah 2, we see him turning to God and it’s a reminder for us to look up to God when we’re feeling overwhelmed and hopeless.

In Mark 9, his disciples were unable to drive a spirit out of someone, but were unable to. When they asked Jesus why, “He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer.” “(Mark 9:29)

Some issues require persistent prayer. If you only care about something to pray for it once, maybe you don’t really care about it much, as opposed to praying for something over and over when you really want to see it happen. God wants us to continue to trust Him and put our faith in Him even when times get hard.

If you’re feeling swallowed by life, look up to God today. Keep praying even when it gets tough! :)

Article by @pastorrickwarren