Living the resurrection life - Short sermon series by The Commandment Co
“It is finished.” Everyone’s heard this line before, but we often forget that what Jesus did on the cross is eternal. It IS finished - not was or will be finished - and we are free!
It is finished - The same power that conquered the grave is alive in you! ~ Encouraging short sermon series by The Commandment Co: Living the resurrection life
God has already made us righteous and the same power that conquered the grave is alive in us today. So instead of just talking about this resurrection power, it’s time we started walking out the life Jesus died to give us.
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me ~ Philippians 3:12 - Short sermon series by The Commandment Co: Living the resurrection life
Press on to take hold of what He did, and we'll see God change what's difficult in our lives as we build a legacy ~ Inspiring short sermon series by The Commandment Co: Living the resurrection life
But sometimes it’s hard to take hold of what He has given because there are many things distracting us by trying to act as though it is bigger than what He has given. This is why we have to continue to press on and not look back. Jesus died for us and we aren’t going to let something stop us just because it’s difficult. Press on and take hold of what He did, and we’ll see God change what’s difficult in our lives as we build a legacy! (Just as Paul pressed on in Phil. 3)
What shall return to the Lord for all His goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvaion and call on the name of the Lord ~ Psalm 116:12-13 - Moving and encouraging short sermon series and daily devotionals by The Commandment Co: Living a resurrection life
Jesus came for you, and shed His blood for you. He took all your shame, guilt and failure upon the cross. So even if you don’t like your past, you CAN rewrite your future! He has set you free to live the resurrection life and all you have to do is take hold of it. There is no more price to pay, because Jesus has already paid it all on the cross for you.
 Jesus has already paid it all for you - Short sermon series by The Commandment Co: Living the resurrection life
Additional verse:
Jeremiah 29:11-13
Philippians 3:12-14
January 11, 2021 — The Commandment Co