Come! See this King. Our suffering Saviour.

He came not to be served but to serve.

He didn’t come in riches or glory, but quietly in the night.

Born to a humble family, His first bed was the food trough of the animals in a barn.

He healed the sick, gave hope to the lost, and loved the broken back to life.

Still, He was rejected by man and betrayed by His closest friends.

He was lashed with a whip of bone and lead.

Nails were driven through His hands and feet.

With His final breaths, He pleaded for forgiveness for the worst of humanity.

In His dying, He took on our sins and stood in our place.

Now death no longer has any hold on us. We have nothing to fear!

So come, bow down, and worship our Saviour.

His name is Jesus, and He is worthy of our worship.

May the new designs by Joy @madeseenart inspire you! Prints are available both in-store and online!
June 18, 2024 — TCCO (Troubleshooting)