An Invitation to Elevation Part 2 | Short Sermon Series
Many changes happen without our permission. People change, circumstances change, our desires change, etc. And our emotions change ever so often as a result of these changes. But God’s word is constant. Many times, we rely and react based on our changing emotions which can hinder our vision, but it’s time we start to base our actions on God’s truth and never changing promises! It’s time to elevate ourself (and our life choices)!

If you’re thinking “but I’m at the lowest of lows, don’t give me false hope,” then this is for you! If you’re already at a low, then there’s no better starting point for elevation! It doesn’t matter what you used to be, you can change. Don’t see yourself as your circumstance, because circumstances help to make you but it does not define you! Your understanding of who you are and what you’re called for has to change to align with what God says you are. You’re loved! You’re blessed! You’re called for greatness!

Many of us are making decisions based on our circumstances and not the Word on our lives. We’re settling for less but if you knew who you were, you wouldn’t settle for less - you wouldn’t even entertain less! When we know we are God’s beloved and decide to go after Jesus (and not our circumstance), He opens up both Heaven and earth to us! And we can have the confidence to say what is to come before we even see it. It is the Lord who provides for you, who gives you health, who prospers you!

The Father is for you and not against you today. With the finished work of Jesus Christ, we have authority over our lives and we shall not settle for less!

Sermon inspired by @realjohngray