Walking in faith through life’s difficult seasons | Short Sermon Series

A walk with God is a walk of Faith. Our faith is not just for the mountain tops, but it is most needed for the difficult seasons. its our reaction to adversity, not adversity itself, that determines how our life story develops. So here’s 3 steps to walking by faith!
- YOU HIDE; in the shelter of HIS name, not in negativity or fear.
But isn’t hiding something we do when we’re scared? Not when we’re full of faith? Nope, the bible actually tells us to hide! (Ps 32:7) Just like a child hiding in their parent’s bed during a storm to feel safe, it’s the same with God. Practically, this means we can confide in God and declare “God, You are my strength and safe place. There is nothing too hard for you.” Don’t hide in negativity, fear, and insolation. Decide that you’re going to hide in Him!

- YOU STAND; on your ground, so the enemy does not get a piece of what’s yours.
Sometimes when things change quickly, we want to run and not be caught in it. But stand firm i and don’t run from what God has put in your hands and heart, because God has specially chosen you to do what only you can do. Let’s not react to things and leave our post, but instead, be people who stand on our ground and not let the enemy get a piece of whats ours!

3. YOU BELIEVE; in God and TRUST Him always, despite what surrounds us.
Our confidence is not in what we can do, but in the One who promised and is faithful (Rom 4:18). Our part is just to put our hope and trust in what God. You may feel anxious and scared, but believe God anyway! The feelings and uncertainties will come and go, but He is constant and faithful!

Today, let’s be reminded that we are called to “stand strong and not shrink back” (Heb 10:39). This is our finest hour; this is our season. We are here in God’s TIMING and PURPOSE.
Sermon by @hillsongcollege @angelabachtle