As For Me And My House, We Will Serve The Lord | Short Sermon Series

“But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua 24:15 NIV
Joshua had led the Israelites through years in the wilderness and through conquering the promised land of Canaan. He had seen the Israelites faithfully trust and serve God, but there were also countless times where he had seen the Israelites fall away and engage in their sinful behaviours once more.
Now Joshua was over a hundred years old, and as part of his last words to the Israelites, he challenged them to stop being fickle and to make a choice, “If serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve... But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)
Joshua was tired of the of the Israelites’ disobedience. It was time for them to decide whether serving God really was what they wanted to do. But as for Joshua and his household, he was very sure that following God was the path he wanted to take, and his impassioned declaration also moved the hearts of the Israelites to do the same.
Maybe God is asking the same question to us today – will we continue to serve our human gods of pride and greed, or will we commit to serving God? This commitment is not one we should take lightly, but it is one that we also don’t have to fear. The same God who was faithful to the Israelites will always, always be faithful to us.