Be assured that His love endures forever | Short Sermon Series

How does it feel to be loved? 🤔
How does it feel to be loved for eternity?
In Psalm 136 the Psalmist recounts God’s providence, His grace and His salvation.
He is the God of gods, Lord of lords, and He is good.
He alone does great wonders, and creates everything we have and enjoy.
He saved us from eternal separation, and remembers us at our lowest.
He is so magnificent yet He loves us all individually.
The Psalmist repeats “His steadfast love endures forever” 26 times. 😲 Reminding us that God’s love endures forever!
Do you doubt God’s love? It endures
Does God feel distant lately? It endures
His love endures forever and He is all deserving of our praise and thanks!
Give thanks to Him for His love endures forever!
May Psalm 136 be your thanksgiving prayer to remember that you are loved ❤️
Be assured that His love endures forever with our Collab+ (CollabPlus) with @giusletters !! Available in stores and online!