Behold | Short Sermon Series

Are you ready for God to do a new thing?
In Isaiah 43, Scripture says, “Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth”. Notice the word behold? It means to “stand in awe and amazement”, and the Bible is filled with beholds - from the parting of the Red Sea, to the walls of Jericho crumbling down, to the resurrection of Jesus. We are given so many opportunities to behold the goodness, love and power of our God.

Therefore, the question of life isn’t “Can God do it?” but instead, “What are you beholding?” Remember that He can do it and He makes all things possible! So don’t belittle the things God has placed and given to you, and what they can become with God! God has done a new thing in your life and, still, He is continuing to do so (2 Cor. 5:17).

We become who we behold. When we set our eyes on God, that is where the new and miraculous will come from. That is where your BEHOLD moments come from! Even if there is obstacles and discouragement, take heart! Your past mistakes don’t define your future. Your troubles today don’t limit the blessings of tomorrow!

Be expectant for new opportunities and unusual miracles, even if you don’t see it happening. His thoughts are higher and His ways are wilder. God is opening new doors and giving you a new perspective to see what He’s doing!

Sermon by @brianchouston