Choosing the Path of Life: Walking with God | Short Sermon Series

There are many paths in life that we can take. Indeed, the world offers us many enticing options:
Perhaps we would like to go down the Way of Wealth? How about the Path of Pleasure? Maybe the Sidewalk of Success?
Wealth, pleasure, success - all seem like pretty good options. But too much of a good thing is never wise.
How about an alternative - how about the Path of Life?
“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11
To walk down this path would be to live in the way we were truly meant to live - in communion with the Father, enjoying deep joy in His presence.
God’s ways are higher than the ways of the world, and His paths are the right paths.
He doesn’t promise that the paths will be easy to walk on, but He does promise that He will walk them with us.
And at the end of the road, we can be assured of a reward that far outweighs all the wealth, pleasure and success that the world can give.
So, what path will you choose to walk on?
May the lovely designs by @superduperdoodles encourage us choose His path of life!🌞 Now available in-store and online!