Be Still: Letting Jesus Calm the Storms of Life | Short Sermon Series

“...Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” Mark 4:41
When the storms of life come, what is your first reaction? It’s likely that we would follow the example of the disciples, who, when faced with the reality of the strong wind and the large waves, flew into a panic.
They yelled at Jesus, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”
Like the disciples, our first response is typically one of fear, and that is natural. But we were not created to be ruled by fear.
Just as Jesus spoke with authority to the wind and the waves, “Be still!”, He can do the same to calm the storms in our lives.
Sometimes He may choose to calm the storm around us, while sometimes He may choose to calm the storm within us.
Regardless, one truth remains - Jesus WILL calm the storm if you let Him.
Don’t fear the storms in your life - the wind and waves obey Him, and He’s got your back.
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