✨“And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Immediately they left their nets and followed him.”Matthew 4:19-20 VES✨

When Jesus called Simon Peter and Andrew to follow him, their response was immediate - without hesitating to pack up or take anything with them, the two men left behind their nets and followed after Jesus.

As fishermen, the nets symbolised their livelihoods - comfortable, certain, perhaps all they had ever known. To step away from their source of stability and follow after Jesus was not an easy thing to do. Yet, they obeyed. Perhaps it was the divine authority that Jesus spoke with, but it takes two hands to clap, and the obedience of the men also reflected the state of their hearts – open, willing, ready to say yes to God.

How about us? What is the state of our hearts? Would we behave in the same way as Simon Peter and Andrew if Jesus called us to come?

Perhaps there are things today that Jesus is calling you to step out into. To be bold and brave and leave behind what has been comfortable to you, and instead, step out onto the waters with Him.

There isn’t much we can be certain of in this world, but there’s one thing that will stand the test against time – our God is faithful. He is worthy of our trust and worthy.

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September 17, 2024 — TCCO (Troubleshooting)