Running on Empty? Let Jesus Fill Your Heart | Short Sermon Series

As we reach the month of September, I wonder how many of us are feeling like we’re running on empty.
Maybe we started a new job, a new school, or a new life stage at the beginning of the year. But after the initial excitement, the mundaneness of life has kicked in once more. “I’m tired”, “jaded”, “can’t wait for the next public holiday” might be sentiments we’re feeling.
Life wasn’t meant to be smooth sailing. Often times, it can get really hard. But while we weren’t meant to cruise through life with little suffering, we were meant to go through life with a great measure of joy, especially within the sufferings.
“… Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7:38 NIV Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, He gave us a promise – He promised that though He was leaving physically, He would send the Holy Spirit to dwell in our hearts and be our guide.
If we would only believe, truly believe, in Him and open our hearts to receive His Spirit, the same power that emptied the grave would live in us. It would fill us with joy and we would bear much fruit.
Are you tired of running on empty, trying to get through life on your own strength? Jesus bids you to come today and place your trust in Him. Let His Spirit fill your heart and renew your strength. Let Him take you by the hand and be your guide.
May @soktuan.musings’s artwork continue to encourage and inspire you. Now available as prints in-store and online!