“Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting.” Psalm 107:1

Thousands of years ago, the Psalmist wrote Psalm 107, and sang of God’s lovingkindness. Most striking of all, the Psalmist highlights that the lovingkindness of God is everlasting! Isn’t it remarkable that 2000 years ago, the people of God could already attest to God’s character being steadfast and unchanging, and now, 2000 years later, we are still loved by the same unchanging God whose love overflows to His children, just as it did in the past. It is amazing that the love of God never runs out, and it endures from generation to generation. Truly, our God is an everlasting God.

With this knowledge, there are two ways in which we should respond. First, to trust in the goodness of God. We need only look at how God patiently walks with the Israelites and forgives them time and time again through their cyclical sin to know that that is the God who continues to be so patient, so kind, and so good to us. Never will we have to fear that God will abandon us for He has proven time again that He is in it with us for the long haul.

Our second response is that of great thanksgiving! Psalm 107 is not only a beautiful song of praise that celebrates Israel's grateful thanks to the faithfulness of God, but it is a hymn of praise for the present, it is a song of thanksgiving that we can sing with equal fervour and grateful hearts. Just as Paul encouraged us to give thanks in everything, let our hearts and voices explode into a great hymn of praise and thanksgiving to the LORD, for His lovingkindness endures forever and His faithfulness extends into the far reaches of eternity.

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June 21, 2023 — TCCO (Troubleshooting)