Finding Joy in the Midst of Darkness | Short Sermon Series

It can be difficult to feel like rejoicing these days. The world seems darker and more broken than ever with tensions rising and wars abounding. Every other day we hear news of layoffs, illnesses, and pain. These are the groanings of an imperfect world.
Yet, Paul instructs us in Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” For Paul to repeat the instruction to rejoice is a call for us to pay close attention.
To be Christian is to be filled with hope. And this hope allows us to rejoice greatly, even when we are faced with our worst fears.
Our Maker loves us more than we know. He has promised to take care of us and to walk with us through this life. And so we will rejoice – yes, we will rejoice! For we are never alone, and the One who fights for us has already won the victory.