Fruit of the Spirit | Short Sermon Series

How can you tell if a tree is a good and healthy tree? You look at the fruit it produces. Likewise, how can you tell if you’re walking on the right paths and being transformed by the love of Christ? You look at the fruits of your life that the Holy Spirit is bringing forth in you.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23
Apply each of these fruits to yourself – what are the fruits that you can see growing in you? Thank God for how He is working in your life!
Now think about which fruits don’t really describe you as well. Have you been impatient with a colleague or a family member? Or perhaps you’re struggling with self-control – maybe you’ve been overeating or spending too much time scrolling mindlessly through social media. Now that you’ve identified an area of growth, surrender it to the Lord and make it a point to depend on Him daily as He works in your heart and brings forth the fruit you lack.
A good work has been started in each one of us, and we are in the process of being transformed into the image of Christ day by day. The Holy Spirit continues to work within us, and we can be confident that God will surely bring the good work He started to completion (Phil 1:6). So hang on tightly to God, and watch as your life begins to bloom with flowers and fruit. Jesus said it Himself – if we remain in Him, we will surely bear much fruit!
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