Fullness of Joy | Short Sermon Series

Psalm 16 is a beautiful psalm written by David - it paints a vivid picture of a man so full of the love of God that he can’t help but overflow with joy and praise.
“You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you! (v2) ” David declares, “My heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices! (v9)”
Why was David bursting with so much joy? How did he reach a place where he was so enamoured by God? It was as if he had caught a glimpse of the face and glory of God.
And indeed, that is what he had done - the closing verse of the psalm reveals the secret of David’s joy - “in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (v11)”.
Joy was found in the presence of the Lord, and what’s even more interesting is that the Hebrew word used here for presence is פָּנִים (pānîm), which also means face!
As David spent time seeking the face of God, God revealed Himself to David, smiling back at him with so much attention, affection and approval. How could David not burst with joy after feeling the pleasure of the Lord upon him?
David's joy was not merely about the blessings he received but about the relationship he had cultivated with God. True joy is found not in fleeting circumstances or material possessions, but through the depth of our communion with God.
If you’re looking for joy today, we pray that you would, like David, seek the face of God, and in His presence, discover the fullness of joy that is rooted in gratitude, trust, and the assurance of God's love and favour!
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