Faith is Courage | Short Sermon Series

My Beloved Child,
I know the road ahead seems very dark – it’s scary to take a step when you’re not sure where you’re going.
But don’t be afraid, I’m right here with you. I’ve got your hand in Mine, and I’m not going to let go.
Take courage, dear Child, and put your faith in me. Let me show you the way, and guide you onto paths of righteousness.
Would you trust that I am your Good Shepherd? Because that’s who I am. You are my sheep, and you are so precious to me – I hope you never forget that.
You may not be able to see the whole path, but I’ll give you just enough light to take the next step.
So take your next step with Me, you can be confident in my plans and purposes for your life. Greater than anything you can imagine.
Your Heavenly Father
Artwork by @paintingscriptures. Available for print and tote in-store.
I know the road ahead seems very dark – it’s scary to take a step when you’re not sure where you’re going.
But don’t be afraid, I’m right here with you. I’ve got your hand in Mine, and I’m not going to let go.
Take courage, dear Child, and put your faith in me. Let me show you the way, and guide you onto paths of righteousness.
Would you trust that I am your Good Shepherd? Because that’s who I am. You are my sheep, and you are so precious to me – I hope you never forget that.
You may not be able to see the whole path, but I’ll give you just enough light to take the next step.
So take your next step with Me, you can be confident in my plans and purposes for your life. Greater than anything you can imagine.
Your Heavenly Father
Artwork by @paintingscriptures. Available for print and tote in-store.