When something troubles us, it’s often challenging for us to think of anything other than the problem that plagues us. We may ruminate about it, or it may be a nagging thought at the back of our minds that leaves us feeling uncomfortable and that steals our peace.

We worry because the outcomes of our problems are uncertain, and we fear that we will be hurt in one way or another. But God knows that as humans, we’re prone to worry about everything under the sun. That’s why Jesus has left us with His peace that surpasses all understanding. We may meet trouble in the world, but Jesus has overcome the world and has given us peace that will tide us through every bleak circumstance.

The peace Jesus gives to us is not as the world gives – this peace doesn’t depend on circumstance but on the promise of God. And since God’s promises are everlasting and never fail, this peace will also last forever and will never fail us.

Let us take comfort in the knowledge that God holds us and He holds the world in His hands. Nothing can thwart His plans for us, and may we remember that His plans for us are always good. So no matter the circumstance, we can have this steadfast peace by just calling out to God and asking. And when we ask, He will surely listen and provide for us.

New designs added to our Collab+ Collection by Vivian @hismightyprints! Available for print both in-stores and online!
November 14, 2023 — TCCO (Troubleshooting)