Heaven on Earth | Short Sermon Series

“My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”
Psalm 121:2
It seems like we often forget just how incredible our God is. We forget that He separated light from darkness and created day and night, that He placed the stars in the sky and knows them by name, that He created humans from dust and breathed life into us... How incredible it is to be able to say that our God, who loves each of us so deeply, is the maker of heaven and earth, and all of Creation!
What’s more is that this powerful God has promised to help us get through life – He has promised to climb the mountains with us, and to carry us through the valleys. If the God of all Creation is on our side, what do we have left to fear? Will the One who can split the seas not also work powerfully in every struggle and circumstance in your life?
Our God is mighty and strong, like a lion. But He is also gentle in spirit, like a lamb. Let us run to the throne of God today, knowing that though He is King over Heaven and Earth, He will reach out with open arms and envelop us in His warm embrace, for we are dearly beloved children of this mighty yet tender-hearted King!