“I lift up my eyes to the mountains — where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2

Three times a year, the Israelites, who had been scattered throughout the world, would go on a pilgrimage to the temple in Jerusalem to celebrate three major festivals in remembrance of all God had done for them – Passover, Pentecost and Feast of Tabernacles.

Getting to Jerusalem was not easy! The city was located in a hilly region, with steep and rocky terrain. Furthermore, the region around Jerusalem was often politically unstable, with various local rulers and foreign powers vying for control. This meant that pilgrims had to navigate through potentially dangerous territory and risk being robbed, attacked, or killed. It is in this context that the pilgrims worried about their protection and safety.

But instead of feeling discouraged or disgruntled that they had to make the long and dangerous trip up, the Israelites realised that this was also an opportunity for them to practice depending on God. They looked beyond the intimidating hills and to the One who had created it all. They realised that the same Creator of the heavens and the earth was also their Creator, and He would be faithful in covering them with His hand of protection, both day and night.

Do you feel like you are walking through some deep valleys? Or are you faced with hills that seem insurmountable? We pray today for a deep trust and assurance in the love that God has for you. Know that God is walking with you each step of the way - He will be there to comfort and guide you through it all.

New designs added to our Collab+ Collection by Jean Lee @biblique! Available for print both in-stores and online!
October 19, 2023 — TCCO (Troubleshooting)