In the Storm, Trust the God of Christmas Miracles | Short Sermon Series

As the Christmas season approaches, we may feel the weight of the year pressing down on us. Maybe the waters of life have risen, and we’re struggling to keep afloat, feeling like we’re barely making it through the chaos and challenges.
What is your first instinct when the waters rise? Perhaps you feel panic creeping in, or maybe the temptation to give up seems strong. But what if there’s a better way this Christmas?
Psalm 9:10 tells us, “Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.”
This Christmas, we’re reminded of the greatest promise of all—Emmanuel, God with us. Jesus came into the world to be our Savior, not only on the cross but also in every moment of our lives. He came to walk with us through every storm and every rising tide. The baby in the manger is the Savior who walks on water, ready to rescue us when we call out to Him.
So, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, let your first instinct be to seek Him. When life’s circumstances overwhelm you, turn to the One who came to give you hope and peace. Cry out to Him, knowing that He hears your every prayer and holds you in His hands.
This Christmas, may we take comfort in the fact that our lifeguard walks on water. He will grasp your hand and pull you out of the deep waters of life. The God who came down to earth in a manger is the same God who will walk with you through every storm, bringing peace and safety.
Let the message of Christmas fill your heart with hope and remind you that God’s love for you is stronger than any storm you face. God is with you—today, tomorrow, and forever.
May the beautiful designs by @saltpepperhumans encourage us to see our situations with supernatural eyes♥️
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