It’s not over | Short Sermon Series

It’s easy to say, “there’s no hope. I’m done for.” God says it’s still not over.
Just because you don’t see a way doesn’t mean God doesn’t have a way. God is about to do a new thing. What you thought was dead is about to come back to life, cause God is in the business of resurrecting the dead. You may have given up but God hasn’t.
When thoughts say it won’t ever happen, answer back, “I know a secret, it’s not over”. You’ve got to get in agreement with God that it’s not over! Start dreaming again, believing again, because its not over.
Scripture talks about death, burial and resurrection, but don’t get discouraged after the first two phases, phase 3 is coming! Don’t get stuck on the Friday when Jesus died, or the Saturday when hope was lost, Sunday is coming. RESURRECTION IS COMING!
Expect God to do something new. People can’t stop God’s plan for your life, God has the final say. He is the great I AM and He’s saying “I AM in your seemingly dead situations. I AM with you!”
Inspired by @joelosteen