The Power Of “In Jesus’ Name” | Short Sermon Series

We often say “in Jesus’ name” at the end of our prayers, or see other believers and leaders say it, but have you ever stopped to wonder what it really means to say “in Jesus’ name”?
More than ‘just a way to end a prayer, when we pray “in Jesus’ name”, it’s as if Jesus is praying on our behalf. Faith for our prayers then isn’t based on who we are or how good we are, but in the person and name of Jesus Christ, and His finished work on the cross!
This means that when we say “in Jesus’ name” when we pray for healing, it is by His stripes that we are healed (1 Peter 2:24). When we say “in Jesus’ name” when we pray for protection, it is by the blood of Jesus that we are protected and kept from evil (Exodus 12:13). Only one name can save us - Jesus. And isn’t it wonderfully that His name in Hebrew, Yeshua, also means salvation - healing, wholeness, protection and provision for you and your family!
So whenever we pray, remember that we can ask for this not based on what we have done, but based on Jesus and His finished work, and we “ask all this in Jesus’ name, amen!”
Sermon by @josephprince