“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3-4

What does it mean for Jesus to be our “living hope”? Well, the “living hope” that Peter is referring to in this verse is unlike the normal hope that we talk about today. We “hope” that it will not rain, and “hope” that an event goes smoothly – but we are never certain of the outcome. Yet the hope that we have in Jesus is a hope that is certain! It is a confident and eager expectation that stems from what Jesus did for us on the cross thousands of years ago. When Jesus bled and died for our sins on the cross, and then resurrected on the third day, He became our “living” hope – a hope that triumphed even death.

In Jesus, our living hope, we too have freedom from sin and death – what once had a hold on us no longer has the final say. What an incredible gift we have been given, to have a hope that is active, living, certain and will never fail.

What are the uncertainties and worries of the world that weigh on you today? Would you know that even as we may place our hopes in many things of the world, there is only one hope that will bring us peace in its certainty. When we fix our eyes upon Jesus, the things of the world will no longer trouble or consume us. Instead, we will experience a blessed peace and assurance like no other!

May this artwork by @thehopeletter encourage you today 🥰 Now available online and in-store for print, and pre-orders for tote bags! 
August 09, 2023 — TCCO (Troubleshooting)