Be Still | Short Sermon Series

“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10
What is your first response when you are met with trouble? Is it to worry or panic? Is it to lie up at night, unable to sleep peacefully with the thoughts of disaster racing through your mind?
Perhaps there’s a better way to approach the struggles of our lives. The account of Jesus walking on the water gives us some insight into this.
When Peter decided to get out of the boat and join Jesus as He walked on the water, he fixed his eyes on Jesus and was able to see past the terrifying waves. But we know that once Peter moved his gaze from Jesus to the wind, he allowed fear to creep into his heart. Peter was no longer relying on God, and he allowed his fear to to tell him that the waves were stronger than his God. The thing is that all Peter had to do to remain afloat was to be still and know that his God was far greater than the waves and the wind.
Sometimes, we are like Peter, instead of knowing the power and might of God, we tell ourselves that our problems are bigger than our God. We struggle and fight and worry about our troubles, forgetting that God is sovereign, in control, and far greater than any trial that we can face.
If this is you today, we pray that you would be encouraged to know that all you need to do is be still, and know that your God is greater than all things.
May the artwork by @zqprintableart continue to encourage you in this season! Now available in print both in-store and online~